At the heart of Walt Disney Studios, a wonderful surprise awaits cinema and animation enthusiasts: the Toy Story Zoetrope. Though hidden and often unknown to the general public, this attraction pays a vibrant tribute to the beginnings of cinema and the iconic animated film, Toy Story.

Before cinema as we know it, the zoetrope was a fascinating invention that brought images to life. Patented in 1867 in the United States, this optical toy uses the rotation of a sequence of still images inside a cylinder to create an illusion of movement. A pioneering invention, it laid the groundwork for what would become modern cinema.

A Nod to Toy Story

To celebrate the phenomenal success of Toy Story, the creative geniuses at Pixar decided to revisit this ancient invention by creating a zoetrope specifically dedicated to the film’s universe. Featuring 214 meticulously detailed figurines, this zoetrope comes to life and animates when strobe lights illuminate, thus giving birth to a fascinating and captivating animated scene.

A journey around the world

Since its debut at the Pixar anniversary exhibition in New York, the Toy Story zoetrope has traveled around the globe. It delighted visitors at Disney California Adventure within the Disney Animation Building for years. Today, it has found its home at Walt Disney Studios Park in France, specifically in the Animation Celebration building near the entrance.

Where can it be discovered?

Although somewhat hidden, the Toy Story Zoetrope is well worth your attention. Head to Walt Disney Studios and make your way to the Animation Celebration building, near the main entrance. That’s where you’ll discover this wonderful attraction, a vibrant testament to the history of animation.

The Toy Story Zoetrope is a celebration of innovation, creativity, and a love for cinema. It’s a discreet yet essential attraction for anyone wishing to delve into the roots of animation and pay homage to one of the most beloved films of all time.